Lifesavers for the new parent

It’s amazing how quickly we forget things – especially from that crazy period when your child was a newborn! My son is going on 19 months and just recently, hubby and I racked our brains for (practical) gifts to give or recommend to friends who have recently become parents. Naturally, as soon as we remembered…

Resolution Dissolution

When I saw this on my Facebook news feed, I just had to share it with my friends. We all laughed at the sheer truth of it. They say that by now (and the statistics may vary depending on “they”), a third of us have already given up on our new year’s resolutions and by…

Life is like a bowl of fruit…

“Sir, what is the meaning of life?” I once asked my favourite, somewhat eccentric, high school maths teacher for some amusement during class. “Life is like a bowl of fruit,” was his response – and just that. To this day, I still ponder at the myriad of interpretations that could have been intended, but I…